100% FREE!
No site registration just to download extension!
Will never use or sell your personal data... because we don't ask for it!.
Works with all Joomla! 3 & Joomla 4 templates. Not just the developers.
No up-sell or PRO version to buy to get all the available option.
Lots of options. Customize to your demanding website needs.
No back links or developer branding.
5 different ways to display your weather.
Supports Farenheit or Celcius.
Sleek modern flat styling... it's all the rage!
Totally responsive design plus you can have as many on a page as needed!
Weather4U is a stand alone Joomal! 3 & 4 module by Joom4U and is and will always be... 100% FREE!
Please note: Weather4U is getting it's display data from Open Weather. All files & scripts are coded based on the lastest API commands from these two sources. At no time does Weather4U, Joom4U or the programmers make no claims or guarantees to the accuracy of any and/or all rendered data generated by Weather4U via any of the sources used. In addition, feed data from these sources may stop working at any time. We have no control over what these sources can or are willing to render.